Participation in conferences
Students actively participate in scientific conferences organized by KRSU or other universities.
On 10.11.2022, an Interuniversity scientific conference dedicated to the Day of Science was held on the basis of the International Medical Faculty of the Institution "Salymbekov University".
Students of our faculty took an active part in the work of this conference from the Department of Therapy #1 of specialties "Pediatrics and Dentistry", scientific supervisor of the art. Shuvalova M.S.
Successfully delivered reports:
1. Ajith Kumar, Victor Rangsnamei LDi 9-17
"Prevention and predictors of Diabetes in young Indian students" and won 2nd place.
2. Yashwanthnadh Manchukonda Ldi-3-17, Shilpi Rajput Ldi-10-17
"Effects of depression on physical activity which effects on cardiovascular system", awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree.
3. Pappala Naveen, Dulla Ram Kiran "Changes in basal metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus living at different mountain heights" were awarded a diploma.
4. Gandi Someswara Rao, Muripinti Jaja Krishna "Analysis of the cost of diabetes treatment in Bishkek" were awarded a diploma for participation.
Each of these students showed a high command of the topic, excellent oratorical skills and left a pleasant impression on the organizers and judges in general with their performance and high organization and discipline.
On 10.11.2022, an Interuniversity scientific conference dedicated to the Day of Science was held on the basis of the International Medical Faculty of the Institution "Salymbekov University".
Students of our faculty took an active part in the work of this conference from the Department of Therapy #1 of specialties "Pediatrics and Dentistry", scientific supervisor of the art. Shuvalova M.S.
Successfully delivered reports:
1. Ajith Kumar, Victor Rangsnamei LDi 9-17
"Prevention and predictors of Diabetes in young Indian students" and won 2nd place.
2. Yashwanthnadh Manchukonda Ldi-3-17, Shilpi Rajput Ldi-10-17
"Effects of depression on physical activity which effects on cardiovascular system", awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree.
3. Pappala Naveen, Dulla Ram Kiran "Changes in basal metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus living at different mountain heights" were awarded a diploma.
4. Gandi Someswara Rao, Muripinti Jaja Krishna "Analysis of the cost of diabetes treatment in Bishkek" were awarded a diploma for participation.
Each of these students showed a high command of the topic, excellent oratorical skills and left a pleasant impression on the organizers and judges in general with their performance and high organization and discipline.

On December 16-17 2022yaer, the III International Olympiad for students of medical universities "SAMARKAND – 2020" took place, in which a 5th-year student of our faculty, studying in English, Vanga Kodanda Rama Satya Venkat (LDi-2–18) took an active part and showed high knowledge of anatomy.
Vanga Kodanda Rama Satya Venkat is literate, an ambitious student who came to study at our university from far away India!
Student Gutti Sai Rupesh Kumar (LDi-1-18) and student Pulla Esther Rani (LDi-8-18) from the Department of Pathophysiology took the initiative and independently prepared and successfully participated in the same Olympiad (online) from the Department of Normal Physiology. Both were awarded certificates of honor for their participation.

On February 9, 2023, an interuniversity scientific conference dedicated to the problems and challenges of medical English-language education in Kyrgyzstan was held in the main building of KRSU, organized by the Center for Medical Education of foreign students of KRSU.
The purpose of the event is to form motivation for the widespread use of the English language in solving issues of medical education in universities of Kyrgyzstan, identifying gifted personnel and ensuring the realization of their creative potential; maintaining an atmosphere of friendship and interaction between the contingent of students from different universities of Kyrgyzstan.
The conference was chaired by teachers: Professor A. Shanazarov (MVSM), Professor Yu. Shidakov and associate Professor I. Abdumalikova (KRSU), Professor E. Mamytova (KSMU named after I. Akhunbayev), Professor T. Tulekeev ("Salymbekov University).
The peculiarity of the conference was that all the speakers spoke in English. Therefore, it united students, residents and postgraduates of Bishkek universities studying in different medical specialties on one scientific platform.
In total, 20 reports were announced, but one more was heard! 39 people became participants of the conference – these are students and young scientists (residents and postgraduates) of KRSU, I.K. Akhunbayev KSMU, Salymbekov University institutions.
The speakers touched upon a wide variety of issues: problems of education of foreign students, key issues of their adaptation to the conditions of the educational process in universities of Kyrgyzstan, various medical issues.
During the discussion, the position of students on the reform of curricula, the introduction of new elective courses, the reduction of hours in some non-medical subjects, the organization of student leisure was heard.
The topics of the reports aroused great interest among the audience, the atmosphere of scientific discussion was present throughout the event. In total, the listeners asked over 60 questions, to which they received exhaustive answers.
At the end of the conference, all participants were awarded commemorative certificates.

Vanga Kodanda Rama Satya Venkat is literate, an ambitious student who came to study at our university from far away India!
Student Gutti Sai Rupesh Kumar (LDi-1-18) and student Pulla Esther Rani (LDi-8-18) from the Department of Pathophysiology took the initiative and independently prepared and successfully participated in the same Olympiad (online) from the Department of Normal Physiology. Both were awarded certificates of honor for their participation.

On February 9, 2023, an interuniversity scientific conference dedicated to the problems and challenges of medical English-language education in Kyrgyzstan was held in the main building of KRSU, organized by the Center for Medical Education of foreign students of KRSU.
The purpose of the event is to form motivation for the widespread use of the English language in solving issues of medical education in universities of Kyrgyzstan, identifying gifted personnel and ensuring the realization of their creative potential; maintaining an atmosphere of friendship and interaction between the contingent of students from different universities of Kyrgyzstan.
The conference was chaired by teachers: Professor A. Shanazarov (MVSM), Professor Yu. Shidakov and associate Professor I. Abdumalikova (KRSU), Professor E. Mamytova (KSMU named after I. Akhunbayev), Professor T. Tulekeev ("Salymbekov University).
The peculiarity of the conference was that all the speakers spoke in English. Therefore, it united students, residents and postgraduates of Bishkek universities studying in different medical specialties on one scientific platform.
In total, 20 reports were announced, but one more was heard! 39 people became participants of the conference – these are students and young scientists (residents and postgraduates) of KRSU, I.K. Akhunbayev KSMU, Salymbekov University institutions.
The speakers touched upon a wide variety of issues: problems of education of foreign students, key issues of their adaptation to the conditions of the educational process in universities of Kyrgyzstan, various medical issues.
During the discussion, the position of students on the reform of curricula, the introduction of new elective courses, the reduction of hours in some non-medical subjects, the organization of student leisure was heard.
The topics of the reports aroused great interest among the audience, the atmosphere of scientific discussion was present throughout the event. In total, the listeners asked over 60 questions, to which they received exhaustive answers.
At the end of the conference, all participants were awarded commemorative certificates.